Gifts In Wills

How a charitable gift in your Will to Plan International Australia can create a better world.

Education is Power. Pass it On.


When you include a gift (or bequest) to Plan in your Will, no matter how large or small, you’re passing on what matters.


Educating girls is more than just school work. It shows girls that poverty isn’t a life sentence.


Self-worth. Independence. Equality. Empowerment. They’re the most valuable lessons – and today you can pass them on to children everywhere.


Photo: Laughing girls at primary school in Siem Reap, Cambodia. © Plan International/Hartmut Schwarzbach/argus

Support education through your will

Like you, we know the importance of education – of lessons that begin early and last a lifetime.

School is just the start.  

We not only help keep girls in school, but we support them to build their confidence, gain skills and know their rights so they can follow their dreams.

Your legacy can provide the clean water that enables school attendance.  A legacy that teaches income-generating skills to a young woman. A legacy that funds community workshops to ensure girls and children of all abilities are valued and safe.

Especially for a girl, education is the power to choose. She can choose when to marry and start a family on her own terms. She is given opportunities that can change her life.

After taking care of your family and friends, we hope you will pass on the power of education to children everywhere through a gift in your Will to Plan International Australia.

Together we can start the lessons that break the cycle of poverty.

Receive a complimentary Gifts in Wills Guide

To receive a complimentary Gifts in Wills Guide in the post, please fill out the form below. Alternatively, you can download a digital version of the guide.

Contact our Gifts in Wills Team:

E: [email protected]
M: 13 75 26

We look forward to answering any questions you may have about supporting our work through a legacy gift.

Receive a Gifts In Wills Brochure in the post

Step 1 of 2

Photo: Girl eats lunch at her school provided by Plan International. © Plan International

How to leave a gift or bequest in your Will

Whether you are creating a Will for the first time or updating an existing Will, it is very easy to leave a gift (bequest) in your Will to Plan International Australia.

After meeting the needs of your loved ones, your impact through Plan International can continue long into the future through your legacy. It is a good idea to discuss important aspects about your Will with your family and friends.

Suggested wording for your Will

Your solicitor may find it useful to be able to refer to our suggested wording when updating your Will. Simply ask your solicitor to insert the appropriate clause selected from the wording below:

“I give free of all duties or taxes…
[Please insert here the appropriate statement selected from the five options below:]

  1. the whole of my estate
  2. [insert number] percent of my estate
  3. the residue of my estate
  4. [insert number] percent of the residue of my estate
  5. the sum of $ [insert value of your gift]

…to Plan International Australia (ABN 49 004 875 807) for its general purposes. The official receipt of the organisation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executor.”

Write your will with Safewill

Plan International have teamed up with leading online Will writing service Safewill to give our Australian supporters the opportunity to write their own Will. Find out more about Safewill.

Photo: Zenaida, 6, uses the radio to do her schoolwork at home in Cusco. © Plan International / Fiorella Ramos

Hear From Our Supporters

Practical considerations

Directing your gift

Plan International’s programs are created in consultation with children and adapt to changing environments.

While you are free to direct your gift towards a particular purpose, we suggest you do not limit your gift by making it specific. A flexible bequest will achieve maximum impact, even if it isn’t realised for decades to come – it can be directed towards communities in greatest need and support relevant, effective responses to changing contexts.

So your gift can be applied to our evidenced-based programs to create sustainable change for girls and their communities, our preference is for your gift to be directed to Plan International Australia for “its general purposes”.

If you have already included Plan International Australia in your Will, we would love to know so we can thank you for your generous support and the impact this will have for the children and families we work with.

Photo: A girl receives soap and new school supplies in Geita region, Tanzania. © Plan International 

Our Bequest Promise

  1. Leaving a legacy is your decision and yours alone. We understand the decision is a personal one and you can choose to change your mind at any time.
  2. We understand that you likely want to take care of your loved ones first and we encourage you to discuss your intention with them before finalising your Will.
  3. We will use your gift wisely and cost effectively, working in partnership with communities and governments to ensure we have the greatest, most enduring impact for children.
  4. We’d love to hear whether you’ve included Plan International Australia in your Will so we can take the opportunity to thank you and plan ahead. But you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to.
  5. If you do decide to tell us that you intend to leave a gift, we’ll keep you updated on our work in the ways that you prefer.

Receive your complimentary Gifts in Wills Guide

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