Hunger Crisis
10,000 children are dying every day from hunger
Right now, millions face severe hunger. Some are on the brink of famine. Decisions have to be made about who can be fed. The hunger crisis has escalated to an unprecedented level not seen this century.
Thanks to your support, Plan International are responding in many of the countries impacted by this crisis. We’re providing life-saving nutrition support, cash and voucher assistance, livelihood programs and child protection.
The Global Hunger Crisis
In late 2022, the UN advised that countries who were experiencing crisis levels of food insecurity was rapidly approaching catastrophe. 50 million people were considered to be on the brink of famine.
Conflict, climate shocks such as flooding and drought, and impacts of COVID-19 were already creating significant levels of hunger and food insecurity. Since the war in Ukraine started, things have got worse.
Stephen Omollo, Plan International’s global CEO, declared a Red Alert crisis for 8 countries we operate in (Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Haiti). That is our highest level of urgent humanitarian response.
Children too young to walk are surviving on one meal a day, or even less.
Alam, a young mother in South Sudan, fears her children will never know peace.
- I worry a lot that my children have to go to sleep hungry. I worry that the flood water might take our home and even the school, which they may never get to go to if the conflict continues. I no longer hope to return home, that hope is slowly fading away.
More than half of South Sudan’s population are facing crisis levels of food shortages. And relief efforts are critically underfunded.
How we’re responding
Thanks to your support, in places like South Sudan we’ve mobilised our efforts to ensure those most at risk are supported:
- our targeted feeding program has supported 21,545 children under the age of 5 and 12,074 pregnant and lactating women
- school meals have been distributed to 73,806 children across 51 schools
- 135,219 people have received general food rations
- our cash transfer program is assisting vulnerable households, helping them to buy food and other essentials.
In Somaliland and Somalia, together with our local partner TAAKULO, we’ve reached 44,250 people with emergency assistance, including emergency water trucking and cash assistance so families can purchase food and water and access critical services such as health and education.
From October to December 2022, 1,150 families in Mali were supported with cash transfers and non-food items.
How you can help
You can help us respond to future emergencies by making a general donation.

Our research
In August 2022, we published Running on Empty, a report that highlights the staggering and disproportionate impact of the global hunger crisis on the world’s most vulnerable groups.
The report reveals soaring rates of child marriage, heightened food insecurity among disabled communities and shocking statistics on the amount of children facing malnutrition, stunting and death.